Getting Started
Patients often say that quality of life is more important than how long they live. An essential first step is having a transparent and honest conversation about the kind of care you want. Talk to your family, your doctor, your friends, and others you trust. Hospice Care does not mean you’re giving up. Hospice Care is support centered on your needs so you can focus on having the best quality of life possible.
Making decisions during times of urgent need can be stressful. Try to find some quiet time to consider your needs and goals before conditions worsen and become urgent.
The Right Time for Hospice
It’s difficult to know the exact right decision for your loved ones during their end of life process. You or your loved one’s care team can help with recommending when to go into hospice services. Here at Anthem Hospice Care we are also available to help you navigate the process.
Grief Support
Anthem Hospice Care is here to support and guide you when dealing with grief. We have put together some resources to help assist bereavement. If you ever have any questions or need more information please do not hesitate to contact us.
- Care Notes provide quick to reach booklets to support people through illness, struggles, and life adjustments.
- Grief Recovery Method
Most frequent questions and answers
Hospice is a coordinated program of palliative and supportive care with the focus on comfort care rather than curative care for those individuals diagnosed with a terminal illness.
Palliative care is relief of pain: the treatment and relief of mental and physical pain without curing the causes, especially in patients suffering from a terminal illness.
A medical prognosis of approximately six months or less if the disease runs its natural course. Common examples of terminal illnesses are:
- End-stage Cardiopulmonary Conditions
- End-stage Heart Disease
- End-stage Lung Disease
- End-stage Liver Disease
- End-stage Renal Disease
- Cancer (All Types)
- Neurological Conditions
- Stroke/CVA
- ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease)
- End-stage HIV/AIDS
- End-stage Dementia
- End-stage Alzheimer’s Disease
- Other Disorders/Diagnoses
Hospice care is paid for and covered one hundred percent through the Medicare benefit.
A hospice interdisciplinary team made up of trained professionals including, Physician, Registered Nurses, Licensed Practical Nurses, Medical Social Worker, Chaplain & Bereavement Counselor, Certified Nursing Assistants, Volunteers, and supportive office staff. Medications related to terminal diagnosis, durable medical equipment, and supplemental soft good supplies are also covered under the hospice benefit.